Welcome to the Digital Panacea!

The Digital Cure?

Exploring Electracy

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What is electracy?
Humans are social creatures and thus we desire connection which is often achieved through communication. The most basic forms of communication fall under orality, where gestures and speech reign supreme. But then a new epoch with the introduction of literacy. Now there was written word and no longer did people in cultures of literacy have to rely solely on memory. It is no question that these forms of communication radically impacted culture. Where memory and relations stood far more important in oral cultures than literate ones. After all, it makes sense as without things such as contracts and history books, what more do you have than trust in another’s word? What does this have to do with electracy? Well if you think for a moment, is there something that is just as impactful on many of todays’ cultures as speech or written word? Electracy is the idea that digital communication, or the internet, is a new form of communication in the same way that literacy was. While it is just a theory for now, maybe if you think about the different ways or difficulties you have communicating with someone who is online significantly more or less than you, you might just be willing to entertain the idea and come along for the ride.
Why the Digital Panacea?
By navigating through these theories and concepts by using a theme to relate to, hopefully this journey shall be more interesting and easier to understand. And through that we can discover what the digital panacea truly is.
Panacea: A solution or remedy for all difficulties or diseases. (Pa-nuh-see-uh)